Vision and Values
Ben Rook, Reach Senior Leader, explains our Vision and Values.
We exist to bring heaven to earth
This is a big statement! This is because it expresses the fullness of who we are. Whilst we long for great gatherings, social impact, strong communities and many more things, we are caught up in an even greater purpose. That is playing our part in seeing the Kingdom of God impact the whole earth.
We invest in people to multiply Jesus centred communities that transform our world
Jesus took a small group of people and poured his life into them in order that what they would multiply. They did and they impacted the world! This is kingdom economics, and we are passionately committed to making that same investment into people and communities with Jesus at the centre.
We value …
Passionate Spirituality
We are most fully who we are created to be when we worship. This extends beyond singing songs on a Sunday into every area of life. Passionate spirituality is being a worship centred people who embrace God in all activity and circumstances.
Radical Community
Radical community is motivated by being a people who do not just exist for ourselves but live out a connected life full of blessing to others. This is modelled to us by the early church in Acts 2:42-27 and we are on a continual journey to contextualise this where we live.
Missional Movement
We feel an impulse to follow the example of Jesus and the early church not to simply expect the world to come to us but to carry the good news with us wherever we go. This means having an outward facing perspective that takes the gospel with us wherever we go.